Microvascular blood flow responses to muscle contraction are not altered by high-fat feeding in rats
Aim: Exercise and insulin each increase microvascular blood flow and enhance glucose disposal in skeletal muscle. We have reported that insulin-mediated microvascular recruitment in a diet-induced model of insulin resistance (high-fat feeding for 4 weeks) is markedly impaired; however, the effect of muscle contraction in this model has not been previously explored.
Methods: We fed rats either normal (ND, 10% calories from fat) or high-fat (HFD, 60% calories from fat) diets ad libitum for 4–8 weeks. Animals were then anaesthetized and one hindlimb electrically stimulated to contract at 0.05, 0.1 and 2 Hz (field stimulation, 30 V, 0.1 ms duration) in 15 min stepwise increments. Femoral artery blood flow (Transonic flow probe), muscle microvascular blood flow (hindleg metabolism of 1-methylxanthine and contrast-enhanced ultrasound) and muscle glucose disposal (uptake of radiolabelled 2-deoxy-d-glucose and hindleg glucose disappearance) were measured.
Results: Both ND and HFD rats received the same voltage across the leg and consequently developed the same muscle tension. Femoral artery blood flow in the contracting leg increased during 2 Hz contraction, but not during the lower frequencies and these effects were similar between ND and HFD rats. Muscle microvascular blood flow significantly increased in a contraction frequency-dependent manner, and preceded increases in total limb blood flow and these effects were similar between ND and HFD rats. Muscle glucose disposal was markedly elevated during 2 Hz contraction and was comparable between ND and HFD rats.
Conclusion: Contraction-mediated muscle microvascular recruitment and glucose uptake are not impaired in the HFD insulin resistant rat.
Australian Research Council
Publication title
Diabetes, Obesity and MetabolismVolume
Menzies Institute for Medical ResearchPublisher
Blackwell Publishing LtdPlace of publication
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