The rise of dengue fever incidence over the past decade in Malaysia has associated with increased morbidity and mortality but also incurred massive healthcare cost. Apart from continuous physical control efforts and on-going health educational programs using conventional approaches, it seems ineffective in tackling the increasing trend of dengue. The objective of this study was to examine the acceptance and viability of an integrated mobile e-learning approach in educating the community on the prevention and control of dengue. A face-to-face questionnaire were used to collect feedback on the intervention from residential adults in four selected dengue fever prone rural residential areas in Malaysia. Out of the 379 participants, the majority of residents (99.21%) showed a favourable interest towards the use of e-learning approach. The prime reason given for their interest in the e-learning via smartphones was the provided prompt visual knowledge and understanding. The pictorial diagrams contained diversified information in an easy-to-understand layout. Being able to understand the information quickly, being able to share information with others and ease of selfregulated learning are the main advantages of disseminating health information via mobile phone. It will be useful and interesting to produce e-learning modules for future community-based health interventions.