University of Tasmania

Non‐surgical periodontal therapy effectively improves patient‐reported outcomes: A systematic review

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-20, 15:42 authored by Shahrukh KhanShahrukh Khan, Khalid, T, Silvana BettiolSilvana Bettiol, Crocombe, L

Aim: Modern lifespan oral health research focuses on understanding the impact of periodontitis (or therapy) on clinical and patient‐based outcome measures to provide effective care, improve patient safety according to the quality standards. For better targeted intervention and effective disease management this systematically review aimed to investigate the relationship between non‐surgical periodontal therapy and patient‐based outcomes using OHIP‐14.

Methods: Seven Databases were searched for studies on patient‐based outcomes responses to periodontal treatment. The time‐period defined form search was from January 1977 to January 2019. Two independent reviewers carried out data search, selection of studies, data extraction and quality assessment using Mixed Method Appraisal Tool. Prospective cohort studies, intervention studies and observational studies written in English demonstrating non‐surgical periodontal therapy response on the patient reported outcomes (using Oral Health Impact Profile 14) were included in the review.

Results: Thirteen studies were included in the review, which comprised of three randomised control trials, nine case‐series, and one was a quasi‐experimental study. Eleven out of the 13 studies reported significant improvement in OHIP‐14 scores amongst participants who had undergone non‐surgical periodontal therapy. Physical disability, psychological discomfort and functional limitation were domains that improved significantly after non‐surgical periodontal therapy in these studies. Physical pain was a common finding in short‐term follow‐up but improved significantly in long‐term follow‐up studies.

Conclusion: Based on clinical and patient‐based outcomes measurement it is recommended that non‐surgical periodontal therapy is a “gold standard” approach towards improving patient‐based outcomes, reducing co‐morbidities and enhancing patient safely immediately and in long term.


Publication title

International Journal of Dental Hygiene








Tasmanian School of Medicine


Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

Place of publication

United States

Rights statement

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is the peer reviewed version of this article, which may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. Khan, S and Khalid, T and Bettiol, S and Crocombe, L, Non‐surgical periodontal therapy effectively improves patient‐reported outcomes: A systematic review, International journal of dental hygiene ISSN 1601-5037 (2020)has been published in final form at:

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Clinical health not elsewhere classified; Dental health; Preventive medicine