In the following notes I have adopted the method of description employed by Rainbow and Pulleine in their excellent account of Australian Trap-door Spiders (D), and can only hope that my descriptions will be as clear as theirs are. Family AVICULARIDlE. Sub-Family DIPLURINlE. Group DIPLURE.IE. Genus Chenistonia (Hogg). Chenistonia trevallynia, sp. nov. The genus Chenistonia was established by H. R. Hogg, in 1901, for the reception of two species which he found at Macedon, Victoria. Since that date, five other Australian species have been described, making a total of seven. The following notes deal with a Tasmanian spider of this genus. The writer believes that it is a new species, and also that it is the first member of the genus Chenistonia to be recorded from this State. The name, Chenistonia trevallynia, is suggested, from the locality where the specimens were obtained.
Publication title
Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania