Tasmanian dairy farmers were surveyed to identify the extent of use of pasture management tools and technology and engagement with extension activities. The survey was mailed to the 440 registered dairy farmers with a response rate of 164 (37%). Of the farmers who responded, 65% had previously used a tool such as a rising plate meter, CDAX bike reader or pasture ruler, 48% currently use a tool, and 86% had attended extension activities. Attendance at extension activities, past use of a tool, farm size and education were positively related to the current use of pasture management tools (p <0.05). Farmers who have used a pasture measurement tool in the past and/or currently use a tool, ranked confidence in their pasture management ability higher (p <0.05) than those who have not used a tool. Past use of a tool, herd size and farmer education were positively related to attendance at extension activities (p <0.05).