University of Tasmania

Perceptions of an ageing agricultural workforce and farmers' productivity strategies: Evidence from Prachinburi Province, Thailand

journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-21, 00:29 authored by Szabo, S, Apipoonanon, C, Pramanik, M, Kevin Leeson, Singh, DR
Thailand's agriculture is facing an ageing workforce, which could negatively influence agricultural production. Yet, there is still limited evidence regarding the perception of the ageing agricultural labour force in the country and a lack of insights into farmers' strategies to improve agricultural output. To fill this gap, we analysed primary data from questionnaire-based surveys of 365 households in Prachinburi Province, Thailand. The results show that household poverty, farm experience, retirement, health concerns, and farm accidents are positively associated with the farmers' perception on the ageing workforce, whereas education level, having an ageing farmer in the family, farm size, mentoring and access to new technology have a negative influence on the perception of the ageing workforce. Given the anticipated implications of the population ageing in Thailand, the government should consider establishing policy options to encourage younger entrants into the agricultural sector and prioritising policies related to intergenerational support.


Publication title

Outlook on Agriculture






School of Geography, Planning and Spatial Sciences


I P Publishing Ltd

Place of publication

Coleridge House, 4-5 Coleridge Gardens, London, England, Nw6 3Qh

Rights statement

Copyright The Author(s) 2021

Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Demography; Productivity (excl. public sector)