Intermittent gas flow generates pressure oscillations in the twin-screw refrigeration compressor that cause serious problems such as structural vibration and noise. In order to reduce the amplitude of this pressure pulsation, a pressure pulsation dampener (PPD) applied in the discharge chamber of a twin screw refrigeration compressor was proposed based on the theory of Helmholtz resonator. A mathematical model was developed to design an optimal PPD by incorporating the R134-oil mixture sound speed model and the pressure pulsation simulation model. A comprehensive experimental study was then performed to validate the model and evaluate the effect of key parameters such as oil flow rate and cavity volume on attenuation performance of the PPD. Vibrational characteristics of the compressor equipped with and without the PPD were also measured and compared. Under the design frequency of 250 Hz, the vibrational acceleration of compressor under-chassis reduced by 36.2% to 41.1% when the compressor was fitted with the proposed PPD.
Publication title
International Journal of Refrigeration
School of Engineering
Elsevier Sci Ltd
Place of publication
The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, England, Oxon, Ox5 1Gb