University of Tasmania

Physicochemical conditions of formation for bismuth mineralization hosted in a magmatic-hydrothermal breccia complex: an example from the Argentine Andes

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-19, 22:57 authored by Francisco TestaFrancisco Testa, Lejun ZhangLejun Zhang, David CookeDavid Cooke

The San Francisco de los Andes breccia-hosted deposit (Frontal Cordillera, Argentina) is characterized by complex Bi-Cu-Pb-Zn-Mo-As-Fe-Ag-Au mineralization. After magmatichydrothermal brecciation, tourmaline and quartz partially cemented open spaces, followed by quiescent periods where Bi-Cu-Pb-Zn ore formed. Bismuth ore precipitation is characterized by Bi-sulfides, sulfosalts, and tellurosulfide inclusions, which temporally co-exist with Ag-telluride inclusions and chalcopyrite. Three distinct Bi mineralizing stages have been defined based on the following mineral assemblages: (1) Bismuthinite (tetradymite–hessite inclusions); (2) Bismuthinite (tetradymite–hessite inclusions) + cosalite (tetradymite inclusions) + chalcopyrite; and (3) Cosalite (tetradymite inclusions) + chalcopyrite. Overall, Ag-poor bismuthinite hosts both Bi-tellurosulfide and Ag-telluride inclusions, whereas Ag-rich cosalite only hosts tetradymite inclusions.

In this study, we discuss the effects of temperature, pressure, vapor saturation, salinity, acidity/alkalinity, and redox conditions on Bi-rich mineralizing fluids. Evolving hydrothermal fluid compositions are derived from detailed paragenetic, analytical, and previous fluid inclusion studies. Based on trace minerals that co-precipitated during Bi ore formation, mineral chemistry, and quartz geothermobarometry, a thermodynamic model for bismuth species was constructed. Sulfur and tellurium fugacities during Bi-ore precipitation were constrained for the three mineralizing stages at a constant pressure of 1 kbar under minimum and maximum temperatures of 230 and 400 °C, respectively. We infer that Te was transported preferentially in a volatile-rich phase. Given that Te solubility is expected to be low in chloride-rich hydrothermal fluids, telluride and tellurosulfide inclusions are interpreted to have condensed from magmatically-derived volatile tellurium (e.g., Te2(g) or H2Te(g)) into deep-seated, dense, metal-rich brines. Tellurium minerals in the hydrothermal breccia cement provide a direct genetic link with the underlying magmatic system. Though the vertical extent of the breccia complex is unknown, the abundance of Te-bearing minerals could potentially increase with depth and not only occur as small telluride inclusions in Bi-minerals. A vertical zoning of Te-minerals could prove to be important for exploration of similar magmatic-hydrothermal breccia pipes and/or dikes.


Australian Research Council

AMIRA International Ltd

ARC C of E Industry Partner $ to be allocated

Anglo American Exploration Philippines Inc

AngloGold Ashanti Australia Limited

Australian National University

BHP Billiton Ltd

Barrick (Australia Pacific) PTY Limited

CSIRO Earth Science & Resource Engineering

Mineral Resources Tasmania

Minerals Council of Australia

Newcrest Mining Limited

Newmont Australia Ltd

Oz Minerals Australia Limited

Rio Tinto Exploration

St Barbara Limited

Teck Cominco Limited

University of Melbourne

University of Queensland

Zinifex Australia Ltd


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School of Natural Sciences



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Copyright 2018 The Authors. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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  • Open

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Mining and extraction of copper ores; Mining and extraction of precious (noble) metal ores