posted on 2023-05-16, 14:33authored byPound, LM, Patterson, B, Wallwork, MAB, Bradley PottsBradley Potts, Sedgley, M
This study investigated whether pollen competition favours cross- over self-pollination in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. ssp. globulus. Controlled pollinations with self-pollen, cross-pollen and a mixture of self- and cross-pollen were conducted on three partially self-incompatible trees. The paternity of individual seeds resulting from mixed pollination was determined by isozyme analysis. No evidence for pollen competition was found. Instead, seed paternity reflected the level of self-incompatibility of each tree as determined by separate self- and cross-pollinations. Furthermore, the number of seeds set per capsule following mixed pollination was significantly less than that following cross-pollination in the two least self-compatible trees. These results suggest that both self- and cross-pollen tubes reach ovules following mixed pollination and that a late-acting self-incompatibility mechanism operates to abort a certain proportion of self-penetrated ovules.