University of Tasmania

Proceedings of the Royal Society for the month of October, 1879

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-22, 08:05 authored by Royal Society of Tasmania
The monthly evening meeting of the Society was held on Tuesday, October 14. His Excellency the Governor in the chair.
The Secretary reported that the proceedings of the Society for 1878 were now ready for distribution to the Fellows on application.
The Bishop submitted specimens of the larva and chrysalis of the Codling Moth, taken from the tree the same morning.
Mr. Barnard exhibited eggs, larva, chrysalis, and fully developed insect of the Codling Moth, and read extracts in reference to it from Johnson's Cottage Gardeners' Dictionary, 1857.
Specimens of the Colorado Beetle (Chrysomela decem-lineata) were placed on the table for inspection.
The Bishop read a paper on the "Law of Storms," supplemented by a report on a Cyclone, which occurred between Tasmania and New Zealand in 1876, furnished by Captain Chandler, formerly of the United States steamer Swatara. The probable course of the Cyclone was illustrated by a chart.
Mr. A. B. Crowther read a paper on "The Habits of the Platypus." Discussion took place, when the conflicting theories as to the generation of the animal were noticed. After referring to the admirable investigations of M. Verreaux at New Norfolk, and the writings of Professor Owen (Annals of Nat. Hist., Vol. 2, 2nd series) thirty years ago, Mr. Stephens remarked that viviparous generation was generally accepted as a certainty.
Mr. E. Swan stated Professor McCoy was still of opinion that additional information was required before this point would be considered as finally settled. [In a paper on this subject, by the learned Professor, which appeared in the Australasian of the 10th August, 1878, the following passage occurs:—"The whole interest attaches to a very short interval, for the little naked young found by several observers could have only been a short time out of the egg, it such were really laid; and on the other hand, at a period very shortly before this, the ova have been, by ourselves and many others, found in the ovaries as large as cherries; but whether the young are excluded from the eggs while still within the body of the mother, and brought forth alive, so as to make the animal ovo-viviparous, as so many reptiles are, or whether the creature is oviparous, and the eggs are laid, and the young afterwards break out, as in all birds, is still the point to be determined."] It was agreed that specimens of the female Platypus should, if possible be obtained during the next breeding season, commencing about the middle of November, at intervals of a fortnight. The gravid uterus, in various stages of development, could then be dissected here, or transmitted to Professor Owen, agreeably to his wish expressed to our late member, the Rev. W. W. Spicer, in 1877" The Bishop read a paper on "Sewage and Health."


Publication title

Papers & Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of Tasmania



Rights statement

In 1843 the Horticultural and Botanical Society of Van Diemen's Land was founded and became the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land for Horticulture, Botany, and the Advancement of Science in 1844. In 1855 its name changed to Royal Society of Tasmania for Horticulture, Botany, and the Advancement of Science. In 1911 the name was shortened to Royal Society of Tasmania..

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