Regions of the genome affecting physical and chemical wood properties (QTL), as well as growth, were identified using a clonally replicated, outbred F2 family (112 genotypes, each with 2 ramets) of Eucalyptus globulus, planted in a field trial in north-west Tasmania. Traits studied were growth (assessed by stem diameter), wood density, cellulose content, pulp yield and lignin content. These traits are important in breeding for pulpwood, and will be important in breeding for carbon sequestration and biofuel production. Between one and four QTL were located for each trait, with each QTL explaining between 9% and 24% of the variation between genotype means. Several QTL for chemical wood properties were co-located, consistent with their high phenotypic correlations, and may reflect pleiotropic effects of the same genes. In contrast, QTL for density and lignin content with overlapping confidence intervals were considered to be due to independent genes, since the QTL effects were inherited from different parents. The inclusion of fully informative microsatellites on the linkage map allowed the determination of homology at the linkage group level between QTL and candidate genes in different pedigrees of E. globulus and different eucalypt species. None of the candidate genes mapped in comparable studies co-located with our major QTL for wood chemical properties, arguing that there are important candidate genes yet to be discovered.
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Tree Genetics and Genomes
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