There is controversy surrounding the described life cycle of the rust fungus Puccinia psidii sensu lato, which causes disease on several plant species in the family Myrtaceae. The objective of this study was to determine whether P. psidii s.l. is autoecious by performing basidiospore inoculations, and microscopically examining the fate of basidiospores on the leaf surface and nuclear condition at different stages of rust development. No spermogonia developed on leaves of Agonis flexuosa inoculated either with a teliospore suspension or basidiospores naturally discharged from telia. Uredinial sori that developed in all three inoculations with teliospore suspensions and in one of the five inoculations with naturally-discharged basidiospores from telia were most likely the result of urediniospore infections. Microsatellite analysis revealed that isolates made from these uredinial sori had the same multilocus genotype as that of the original isolate. No signs of penetration of plant cells by basidiospores were observed on A. flexuosa and Syzygium jambos. The nuclear condition of mycelia of uredinial sori, urediniospores, teliospores, and four-celled metabasidia was typical of that in many rust fungi. Our study could not provide unequivocal proof that P. psidii s.l. is autoecious. While it is possible that it could be heteroecious, with an unknown alternate aecial host, it is also possible that basidiospores have lost the ability to infect Myrtaceae or are infrequently operational.