Partial defoliation has been shown to affect the water relations and transpiration (gas exchange) of plants. Over one growing season, the water relations in response to partial (45%) defoliation were examined in four-year-old Eucalyptus globulus trees in southern Australia. Daily maximum transpiration rates (Emax), maximum canopy conductance (GCmax), and diurnal patterns of tree water-use were measured over a period of 215 days using the heat-pulse technique in adjacent control (non-defoliated) and defoliated trees. Sap-flux measurements were used to estimate canopy conductance and soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance (KP); leaf water potential (Ø) and climate data were also collected. Following the removal of the upper canopy layer, defoliated trees exhibited compensatory responses in transpiration rate and canopy conductance of the remaining foliage. Defoliated E. globulus had similar predawn but higher midday Øl, transpiration rates (E), canopy conductance (GC) and KP compared to the non-defoliated controls, possibly in response to increased water supply per unit leaf area demonstrated by higher midday Øl. Higher E in defoliated E. globulus trees was the result of higher GC in the morning and early afternoon. This paper also incorporates the cumulative effect of defoliation, in a phenomenological model of maximum canopy conductance of E. globulus. These results contribute to a mechanistic understanding of plant responses to defoliation, in particular the often observed up-regulation of photosynthesis that also occurs in response to defoliation.
Publication title
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA)
Elsevier Science Bv
Place of publication
Po Box 211, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1000 Ae
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