The Lady Nelson arrrived at Port Phillip on the 21st January, 1804. The encounters with the natives described by Brown in his rough field-notes were in all probability the first in which whites and blacks were brought into intimate contact at Port Dalrymple. Robert Brown was a passenger on board the Lady Nelson when that vessel was sent by Governor King in December, 1803, to assist Lieut.-Governor Collins transport his party either to Port Dalrymmle or the Derwent River, as he might select. Brown when on the Lady Nelson was a passenger with a mission-botanical research work-and his voyage in the colonial brig enabled him to engage in field Work at the Kent's Group, at Port Dalrymple, and at Port Phillip, before he passed on, still in the Lady Nelson, to the Derwent River, where he devoted himself to his Scientific studies for nearly six months. Includes extracts from his field notes.
Publication title
Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania