This study utilizes an in vitro model of localized physical injury to axons to examine the specific responses of neocortical neurons to trauma in isolation from glia cell types. The neuronal response to axotomy was closely linked with nerve cell maturity. Cultures grown for 14 days in vitro showed no accumulation of either neurofilaments or, the axonal sprouting marker, GAP43, within injured axons following injury. In older cultures (21 days in vitro), however, temporally distinct axonal changes were evident following transection of axonal bundles. At 12 h postinjury, these included extensive accumulation of neurofilaments into ring-like structures within the cut stumps and an increase in puncture GAP43 labelling throughout the damaged area. At 24 h postinjury, bulb-like accumulations of neurofilaments were also present within the transected axons. Finally at 3 days postinjury, distinct GAP43 and neurofilament immunolabeled axons, and GAP43 immunopositive growth cones, emanated from the cut stump. These results indicate that injured axons of mature neurons undergo a defined series of reactive changes, ultimately culminating in a sprouting response, which occur independently of the presence or effects of glial cell populations.