Sexual dimorphism of Malaysian mahseer, Tor tambroides broodstock reared in captivity: morphometric measurements dataset
Despite having high economical value and declining wild population, the aquaculture of the Malaysian mahseer (Tor tambroides) is still way behind. Crucial information such as on its sexual dimorphism is scarce thus making its broodstock management in captivity challenging. The first step in studying fish sexual dimorphism is by observing and identifying the morphological differences between each sex. Thus, this article collected and described morphometric measurements data of broodstock reared in captive conditions. The broodstock were reared and raised in captivity for five years since they were bought from a local commercial supplier while they were five-inch fingerlings. Seven conventional and 21 Truss network morphometric measurements were taken from 27 male (TL: 53.88 ± 2.86 cm; W: 1.82 ± 0.23 kg) and 27 female (TL: 53.97 ± 3.62 cm; W: 1.86 ± 0.35 kg) T. tambroides broodstocks using digital image analysis. Photograph of the fish broodstocks were captured and the morphometric measurements were conducted using imageJ freeware. Statistical analysis was later conducted on the morphometric data to identify the morphological differences between the broodstocks. This dataset will not only aid the sex identification of this species but also in stock population studies thus accelerating the development of T. tambroides aquaculture while improving its conservation efforts.
Publication title
Data in BriefVolume
33Article number
Institute for Marine and Antarctic StudiesPublisher
Elsevier Ltd.Place of publication
NetherlandsRights statement
Copyright 2020 the authors. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Status
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