The Central Plateau area represents a region of considerable richness in mammals, all of our native and introduced species being recorded from various places, often in considerable numbers. The richness of the fauna has attracted people to the area since the earliest days of settlement and one of the features of the Plateau has been the development of family enclaves which have persisted in some places to the present day. Initially, the Plateau provided sanctuary for bush rangers, escaped convicts and others who wished to avoid too much contact with the law, and they were able to live, raise families and survive in a rigorous environment using the wildlife as a source of food and income. With greater accessibility the Plateau became noted for the wealth of wildlife available for hunting, either for food, pelts or recreation, and snaring became a profitable occupation for the shepherds who had moved into the area to mind the large flocks of sheep which were pastured there, particularly on summer agistment.
Publication title
Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
The La
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Edited by M.R. Banks.- Copyright Royal Society of Tasmania.