The chronic disease crisis we currently face must be addressed in rapid fashion. Cardiovascular (CV) and pulmonary diseases, diabetes as well as several forms of cancer are leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally. Collectively, these conditions have a significant impact on the quality of life of individuals, families and communities, placing an unsustainable burden on health systems. There is hope for the chronic disease crisis in that these conditions are largely preventable or can be delayed to much later in life through a timeless medicine, healthy living. Specifically, physical activity (PA), healthy nutrition, not smoking and maintaining a healthy body weight, the latter of which being predominantly influenced by PA and nutrition, are the key healthy living medicine (HLM) ingredients. Unfortunately, there is much work to be done, the unhealthy living phenotype is running rampant across the globe. Without improvements in PA, nutrition, tobacco use and body habitus patterns, there is little hope for curtailing the chronic disease epidemic that has been brought about by the dramatic increase in unhealthy living behaviors. This review highlights current trends in lifestyle behaviors, benefits associated with reversing those behaviors and potential paths to promote the increased utilization of HLM.
Publication title
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases
School of Health Sciences
W B Saunders Co
Place of publication
Independence Square West Curtis Center, Ste 300, Philadelphia, USA, Pa, 19106-3399