Surveys of the regeneration of eucalypts, rainforest tree species and Acacia species have been carried out in clearfelled mixed forest coupes in the Clear Hill/Mount Wedge area, five to eight years after regeneration burns. For most species, including eucalypts, stocking rates were not significantly different between mudstone and quartzite. Eucalypt regeneration was taller and more vigorous on mudstone sites. Eucalypts appear to regenerate to adequate stocking levels on many sites with low intensity burns, though the proportion of understocked areas requiring remedial treatment is greater tlwn on comparable sites which have had hotter burns. On sites with high fire intensities, eucalypt stocking rates are appropriate for future pulpwood production but thinning may be required if sawlog production is the main priority. Rainforest and Acacia species regenerate more successfully in the absence of fire or following low intensity burns than they do following high intensity burns. The regeneration of understoreys containing the range of mixed forest tree species may be desirable for ecological, aesthetic and commercial reasons.