A challenge for providers of work-integrated learning courses is delivering a meaningful learning experience for students, while collaborating with organisations to ensure adequate support. Evaluating student experience has traditionally been about collecting feedback on teaching methods, course content and learning outcomes, rather than the educational influence of student interactions with people, places and systems at their workplace. The aim of this mixed-methods study was to evaluate the student experience within a workplace-integrated healthcare redesign postgraduate course and understand how it affects student learning. Ninety-nine graduates of the course completed an online bespoke survey indicating their levels of satisfaction with the course, including delivery, support and goal achievement. In addition, 10 graduates participated in semi-structured interviews where they shared their overall experience with the course, including barriers and enablers to completion, the balance between academic requirements and workplace responsibilities, and the influence of educators on their achievements. The results suggested that social interaction, communication, and knowledge and skills development were highly valued by students, and that resourcing, course structure and organisational support were significant factors that influenced student outcomes. Cross-discipline interaction and networking opportunities further enhanced student learning. Study findings indicated that a blended model of learning involving workplace project-based activity and traditional academic delivery provided meaningful, practice-relevant learning opportunities and enriched the student experience.