The potential for learning objects to support flexible learning in higher education
journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-25, 22:31authored bySemmens, PN
Many higher education institutes are presently striving to instigate more flexible and self-paced modes of learning for their students. The push to do so is a combination of economic issues, faculty-driven changes geared towards improving their pedagogical practices and, importantly, student demands. As a result, the delivery of higher education services now often includes video conferencing, summer schools, evening classes and distance learning - made more readily available through the emergence of electronic learning (eLearning) tools and information and communication technology (ICT). In some instances, eLearning has proven highly beneficial, while in others, it has not met the expectations set for it. This paper discusses the eLearning phenomenon and examines the role of ICT in higher education. This paper also specifically discusses the learning object paradigm and the role it is playing in consolidating eLearning technology. It concludes by declaring that while they remain significant, it is important not to over-hype the current learning object-based technologies. Many lingering uncertainties relating to the creation, use, flexibility and scalability of learning objects still need investigation and clarification before they can reach their full potential.
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IEEE Learning Technology newsletter
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