A synopsis of Old World ormiine systematics and biology is given. Homotrixa Villeneuve is differentiated from all four other Old World genera of Ormiini. The generic identity of Homotrixa is discussed. Both sexes of two new species of Homotrixa from southwestern Australia are described, keyed and figured, namely Homotrixa alleni Barraclough sp.n. and H. hirsuta Barraclough sp.n. The puparium of H. alleni is also described. These are the first species of Homotrixa to be described from Australasia; the genus is otherwise known only from the type locality of the type species in Taiwan. Further species of Homotrixa from northern Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory remain undescribed. The genus appears not to occur south of 36 °s in Australia. Recorded hosts of H. alleni include three species of Tettigoniidae: Sciarasaga quadrata Rentz, Mygalopsis pauperculus (Walker) and Pachysaga croceopteryx Rentz.
Publication title
Australian Journal of Entomology
Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA)
Blackwell Publishing Asia
Place of publication
54 University St, P O Box 378, Carlton, Australia, Victoria, 3053