posted on 2023-05-25, 10:22authored byLewis, Robert
The DVD is a compilation of exercises that consolidate body, voice and imagination which have grown and developed since the Voice Theatre Lab inception in 2006. They have been refined through thorough extensive research, practice and exploration. The company began as a training ground for the creation of new body and voice training methods inspired by a range of Eastern and Western performance training aesthetics. The training, which focuses on body and voice integration and separation, continues to grow and develop. Although the work has been inspired by various training methods, it does not claim to be a variant of any other voice and movement practice. The Chordwainers, a musical group who use leather instruments created by the late Garry Greenwood, form a backdrop to some of the exercises. As well as the exercises, the DVD includes interviews and discussions by company members and a gallery of previous productions. PDF A comprehensive booklet that details the exercises, plus other useful information, accompanies the DVD in a printable PDF format.
DVD and accompanying book
School of Creative Arts and Media
Contemporary Arts Media
DVD: 90 min, book: 45 pages
Event Venue
Launceston, Tasmania
Date of Event (Start Date)
Rights statement
Copyright 2013 University of Tasmania and Artfilms