posted on 2023-05-25, 13:11authored byMichael Hornblow, Yamtree, KP, Allen, B
Vessel: a hollow container; a buoyant volume; a person embodying a certain quality, charting a journey or activity. To carry, to conduct or convey, to hold, to honour… how many ways do we act as vessels for one another? This new project begins as a creative development, between a media performance artist, a community architect, and a dancer/traceur. It is open to the participation of local people in Melaka, and the collaboration of other MAPfest artists. Our intention is to develop a mapping process by using everyday materials found in the Old Town, and the kinds of vessels that might carry them. These will be gathered, mapped and reconstructed using movement expression, art and design.
Intermedia performance and event curation
School of Architecture and Design
Melaka Festival and Nang Loeng Community/Openspace
1 hour
Event Venue
St Paul's Hill, Melaka; Nang Loeng temple areas
Date of Event (Start Date)
Date of Event (End Date)
Repository Status
Socio-economic Objectives
Expanding knowledge in creative arts and writing studies