University of Tasmania

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Generalized quadratic commutator algebras of PBW-type

posted on 2023-05-21, 10:45 authored by Marquette, I, Yates, L, Peter JarvisPeter Jarvis
In recent years, various nonlinear algebraic structures have been obtained in the context of quantum systems as symmetry algebras, Painlevé transcendent models and missing label problems. In this paper we treat all of these algebras as instances of the class of quadratic (and higher degree) commutator bracket algebras of PBW type. We provide a general approach for simplifying the constraints arising from the diamond lemma, and apply this in particular to give a comprehensive analysis of the quadratic case. We present new examples of quadratic algebras, which admit a cubic Casimir invariant. The connection with other approaches such as Gröbner bases is developed, and we suggest how our explicit and computational techniques can be relevant in other contexts.



School of Natural Sciences



Place of publication

United States

Preprint server


Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Expanding knowledge in the mathematical sciences; Expanding knowledge in the physical sciences