Appendix 2: Mechanical properties of plantation Tasmanian Shining gum (E. nitens) Full rotation thinned and pruned resource (220802 STT Characterisation Tech report A2 mechanical)
This appendix report is part of a Sustainable Timber Tasmania (STT)-funded project that aimed to determine the characteristic material properties of appearance quality boards recovered from Tasmania’s full rotation thinned and pruned Shining gum (Eucalyptus nitens) plantations. It reports on the assessment of mechanical properties such as density and hardness of boards sawn from three coupe in late 2020 for this project and current National Institute for Forest Product Innovation (NIFPI) project NT015 / NIF079 Developing a New Generation of Tasmanian Appearance Hardwood Products for In-State Design and Manufacturing.
In the report, the methodology for determining each property and the test results are listed individually. Where appropriate, the results of previous parallel projects are also included. This report combines results from tests at CSAW’s facilities, by CSAW staff at industry facilities, and at the University of Melbourne (UMelb). The UMelb testing covered unit shrinkage, density, and hardness.
Commissioned by: Sustainable Timber Tasmania (STT)
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