University of Tasmania
Farming Forecaster - Milestones Jan 2024 update 21 Dec 2023.pdf (1.42 MB)

Co-developing and improving digital tools for increased drought resilience with, and for Tasmanian farmers

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posted on 2024-01-08, 00:18 authored by Brian Horton, Matthew HarrisonMatthew Harrison, Nicoli Barnes

GrassGro parameters were examined for ryegrass, phalaris, cocksfoot and tall fescue. The model results were compared with actual production, primarily using measured pasture production in the Pasture Variety Trial Network. Ryegrass and phalaris are well established in the GrassGro model and no modification is required for these. Cocksfoot has been available in the GrassGro model and there is generally a good relationship between actual and modelled results, although some minor changes in parameters have been suggested for come cultivars of cocksfoot. Tall fescue was not previously activated in the model, although a set of suggested parameters has been available. These were tested and no change in those parameters was required, so this pasture species can be activated in GrassGro

The recommended changes have been included in the December 2023 release of GrassGro and can be made available for users of Farming Forecaster.

A set of probe sites in Tasmania have been selected and are being examined using 100 years of weather data, to ensure that the current pasture used at those sites gives consistent result sin GrassGro and to examine whether the use of cocksfoot or tall fescue would provide any benefits, particularly in drought periods.

Interviews with farmers found that many producers find technology difficult, and although small groups are able to use the technology, they prefer face-to-face training, preferably with the same trainer. This is seen as the best option for developing the skills required to use Farming Forecaster effectively.


Drought decision-support using the Farming Forecaster in Tasmania : Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment



  • No


TIA - Research Institute

Publication status

  • Accepted

Rights statement

Copyright 2023 the authors

Socio-economic Objectives

190101 Climate change adaptation measures (excl. ecosystem), 190301 Climate change mitigation strategies, 190501 Climate change models, 190502 Climate variability (excl. social impacts), 269901 Climate adaptive plants, 190507 Global effects of climate change (excl. Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica and the South Pacific) (excl. social impacts), 109901 Animal adaptation to climate change, 100505 Sown pastures (excl. lucerne), 100401 Beef cattle

UN Sustainable Development Goals

11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, 1 No Poverty, 13 Climate Action, 15 Life on Land, 2 Zero Hunger, 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure