University of Tasmania

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Connecting science and mathematics instruction in schools through exploratory talk and inquiry

posted on 2023-05-25, 19:21 authored by Carol MurphyCarol Murphy, Abu-Tineh, A, Calder, N, Mansour, N
The aim of the project is to investigate the impact of a professional development programme that is both research-based and follows a sustained in-classroom approach into the teaching of science and mathematics in Qatari schools. The programme uses two teaching tools derived from research. One tool is Exploratory Talk, a teaching strategy to encourage peer discussion in small groups (e.g. Murphy, Wegerif & Fisher, 2010; Mercer, Wegerif & Dawes, 1999). The other tool is related to inquiry-based learning using digital technologies called WebQuest (e.g. Calder, 2011; Salsovic, 2007). The focus is on the use of these didactic strategies in Qatari primary and middle school science and mathematics classrooms.


Qatar National Science Foundation


Commissioning body

The Qatar National Research Fund


Faculty of Education


The Qatar National Research Fund

Place of publication

Doha, Qatar

Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Pedagogy; Teacher and instructor development; Teaching and instruction technologies