Development of the tools for long term management of the Giant Crab Resource: Data collection methodology, stock assessment and harvest strategy evaluation
OBJECTIVES: 1. To develop a low cost, long term, giant crab resource assessment and data collection methodology. 2. To quantify biases in the historical logbook data to increase its value for resource assessments. 3. To obtain industry’s understanding/observations of basic biological and market processes (eg. moulting, egg-bearing, mating, migration, beach price influences) and how their fishing effort is adapted to this knowledge (eg. targeting of size classes, seasonality of effort, etc.). 4. To develop the ability to investigate alternative harvest strategies (sustainability of different TACs; closed seasons etc.).
Publication title
FRDC Final Report
Commissioning body
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
Place of publication
Canberra ACT
Rights statement
Copyright Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute, University of Tasmania, 2004
Repository Status
Socio-economic Objectives
Wild caught crustaceans (excl. rock lobster and prawns)