University of Tasmania

Evaluation of project Currawong

posted on 2023-05-25, 05:02 authored by Muskett, PF, Roberta JulianRoberta Julian, Richman, M, Eckhardt, M
Project Currawong has operated as a two-year pilot program during 2004 and 2005. The Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES) project objectives were to provide an evaluation of the Project Currawong pilot.

The benchmark of two hundred and thirty (230) client referrals for two years, set prior to the commencement of the pilot, was met. At the completion of the pilot in November 2005, two hundred and fifty five referrals (255) had been received. Of these referrals one hundred and ninety two (192) young people had attended Project Currawong courses. A total of thirty-eight (38) people were trained in Facilitating Wilderness Therapy (FacWiT) programs with sixteen (16) of these being current members of Tasmania Police.

The evaluation took place between July 2004 and December 2005 (inclusive). It indicates that Project Currawong is well regarded in the community and has gained a positive reputation as a program offering early intervention and diversion for young people who are at risk of entering the justice system. Project Currawong is positioned to offer services to vulnerable young people with complex needs. These young people require services tailored to their needs and delivered in a sensitive and responsive framework. The evaluation demonstrates the efficacy of Project Currawong in achieving this goal. The evaluation also indicates the effectiveness of Project Currawong in facilitating and modelling collaborative service delivery in partnership with government agencies through Interagency Support Panels (ISPs). Two distinct models of service delivery were refined over the pilot and these are described and examined as part of the evaluation.

Tasmania Police personnel have been integral to the success of Project Currawong and have strongly engaged in the process. There is evidence that in areas where Tasmania Police, Project Currawong and the ISPs are operating collaboratively, outcomes for young people have been positive and perceptions of community safety have been enhanced.

Interview data from stakeholders and participants demonstrates the positive reputation of Project Currawong. All respondents express a high level of satisfaction with their involvement in Project Currawong. The evaluation data supports the view that there has been an increase in communication and collaborative planning between key agencies working with young people.

The information presented in this final report combines qualitative and quantitative data, which provides evidence of the positive nature of the two-year pilot. Project Currawong has been able to offer a dual approach and service delivery response to diversionary practice and intervention in reaching out to both ‘at risk’ young people and those already engaged with youth justice and in doing so both prevent and reduce criminal behaviour and offending by young people.

This report provides some proposals and recommendations relating to Project Currawong and possible future programs for young people at risk of engaging in offending behaviour.


Commissioning body

Department of Police and Emergency Management (DPEM)




School of Social Sciences


Department of Police and Emergency Management (DPEM)

Place of publication

Hobart, Australia

Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Crime prevention; Law enforcement

Usage metrics

    University Of Tasmania


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