Evaluation of the ' Providing an Inclusive Practice and Community for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer/Questioning (LGBTIQ+) People' training program
Australian society is generally accepting of non-binary populations. However, levels of awareness and understanding of LGBTIQ+ specific issues amongst non-LGBTIQ+ populations and, in some cases, within LGBTIQ+ sub populations, may be lacking. Evaluation data on the effectiveness of LGBTIQ+ training programs, particularly in rural and regional areas are limited, with difficulties associated with undertaking impact evaluations of population-based LGBTIQ+ training programs due to a need for very large sample sizes to assess change in awareness and understanding.
Kentish Regional Clinic Inc
Wicking Dementia Research Education Centre
Place of publication
Tasmania, Australia
Repository Status
Socio-economic Objectives
Health inequalities; Social structure and health; Rural and remote area health