Expectations on the treatment of people deprived of their liberty in health and social care: Aged residential care, disability support and related services
Around Tasmania, people in the community are or may be deprived of their liberty by law while receiving health and social care services. This particularly includes people in aged residential care or who are receiving disability support services, which is the focus of this document. These expectations have been created by the Office of the Tasmanian NPM with the intention of upholding their human rights when this deprivation of liberty occurs. They are designed to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
The Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT) provides that the central function of a national preventive mechanism (NPM) is to regularly examine the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty in places of detention with a view to strengthening, if necessary, their protection against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Flowing from this visiting function, the NPM also provides education and advisory services, and engages cooperatively with government, administrators of places of detention, detainees, stakeholders and the public.
Expectations documents are commonly released by NPMs to help people understand some of the matters that will be considered when exercising these functions. They are also working documents; used to support the Tasmanian NPM and its staff when examining different settings. The publication of expectations is a demonstration of the NPM’s independence.
Commissioned by: Office of the Tasmanian NPM
Developing Tasmanian NPM (OPCAT) Expectations: Health and Social Care Settings : Tasmanian Government
- No
Commissioning body
Office of the Tasmanian NPMDepartment/School
Office of the Tasmanian NPMPublication status
- Published