Implementation of an Age Structured Stock Assessment Model for Sardine in South Australia
The age structured stock assessment model developed for Western Australia sardine was
implemented for the South Australian Sardine Fishery. Uncertainties surrounding key
parameters limited the usefulness of this model as a tool for managing the South Australian Sardine Fishery. In particular, the lack of data on natural mortality rates, biases in the age samples from the commercial catch and difficulties encountered in the development of a recruitment index limited the capacity of the model to predict future
trends in biomass. Hence, annual DEPM estimates will remain the basis for managing the South Australian Sardine Fishery in the foreseeable future. The age structured model will be used to conduct a retrospective management strategy evaluation of the performance indicators, reference points and decision rules that have been established for the fishery.
Commissioned by: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
Publication title
Fisheries Research and Development CorporationConfidential
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