TR-2 Timber’s MC in the supply chain Species behaviour and conditions in storage and service
This technical report TR-P2 is part of the National Institute for Forest Products Innovation’s (NIPFI) project: NT045 / NIF109 Managing timber’s moisture content (MC) in the supply chain, construction and in service.
This project’s objective is to generate and distribute informed industry guidance on best practice for the economic and effective MC control of timber and wood products in the Australian timber supply chain. It aims to identify regular problems and key influencing factors; build an initial knowledge base of equilibrium moisture content (EMC) conditions and timber’s MC performance in the timber supply chain; and generate industry best practice guidance.
This report includes the results of the project’s static sample monitoring component, designed to collect and assess first-generation information covering:
• Temperature and humidity conditions found in the Australian timber supply chain.
• MC responses of common species and wood products stored in those conditions.
Commissioned by: National Institute for Forest Products Innovation’s (NIPFI)
Publication title
NT045 / NIF109 Managing timber’s moisture content (MC) in the supply chain, construction and in service.Confidential
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