University of Tasmania

The role of restoration for conserving matters of national environmental significance in marine and coastal environments

posted on 2023-05-25, 19:12 authored by McLeod, IM, Bostrom-Einarsson, L, Craig JohnsonCraig Johnson, Kendrick, G, Cayne LaytonCayne Layton, Rogers, AA, Statton, J
Healthy coastal habitats like seagrass meadows, coastal saltmarsh, kelp forests, coral and shellfish reefs, and mangrove forests (‘blue infrastructure’) are essential to the economic and social well-being of coastal communities. These habitats drive coastal productivity supporting our fisheries and other industries associated with recreation in marine environments, improve water quality, sequester carbon, protect shorelines from erosion, and support thriving biodiversity, including threatened species. These habitats are under pressure from coastal development, climate change, pollution, invasive species and other anthropogenic pressures, which have led to drastic declines in many of our important marine and coastal habitats.


Publication title

Report to the National Environmental Science Programme

Commissioning body

Marine Biodiversity Hub


18 December 2018


Milestone 3




Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies


Marine Biodiversity Hub

Place of publication

Hobart, Tasmania

Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Rehabilitation or conservation of coastal or estuarine environments; Assessment and management of terrestrial ecosystems