University of Tasmania

A case study of communicative competence

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posted on 2023-05-26, 20:51 authored by Hirouchi, H
In 1990 the Japanese Education Department decided to revise its foreign language curriculum and to introduce a communicative competence component. This implied a re-examination of assessment of foreign language education in the four language skills speaking, listening, reading, and writing. This case study analyses ‚Äöthe concept of communicative competence and investigates how we can improve communicative competence in foreign language education. Fifty Japanese and Australian students at high schools learning each others' language were given questionnaires about their classes in foreign language. The emphasis in this study was on the student's own assessment (self assessment) of their communicative competence. Communicative competence may be defined as the ability to communicate using not only the correct grammar and vocabularly, but to use it in a socially appropriate (for that culture) manner. The results of the questionnaire and interviews conducted with teachers reveals interesting differences between the two student groups. Japanese students generally felt less confident in their own ability to clearly express ideas in English compared to the Australian students in a similar situation. The results are interpreted in terms of the different methods of teaching typically used in the two countries. In Japan, foreign language education is based on the formalist approach while in Australia the activist approach is favoured. These two differing approaches are a reflection in part of certain differences in culture and the ultimate goal in foreign language teaching. In Japan, foreign ‚Äölanguage teaching (predominantly English) is based on the goal of a student's achievement in a written examination for University examination. In Australia there is an emphasis on learning the language as well as aspects of the culture associated with it. As a result Australian students believe that the language is not only enjoyable but also is is helpful to their future career. This results in different motivations for the students. The two approaches to the teaching also result in differences in cognitive ability. The activist approach compared with the formalist approach requires continual participation by the student in the learning process to develop language skills through the active use of language and communicative competence abilities. Japanese students compared with Australian students have a poorer ability in communication, although their knowledge of vocabularly and grammar rules may be greater. They are unable to apply knowledge from one area of language education because their course is not suitable balanced with regard to effective communication. There are many social factors that impinge on successful foreign language learning. Many of these may be overcome if a balanced curricula is adopted. It is the suggestion of this thesis that in order to improve foreign language education in Japan the cultural differences between the cultures will need to be recognised and appropriate teaching methods adopted.


Publication status

  • Unpublished

Rights statement

Copyright 1993 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 70-73). Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Tasmania, 1994

Repository Status

  • Open

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