University of Tasmania

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Accessing sustainable hydrogen energy technologies : strategies for remote Antarctic communities

posted on 2023-05-27, 19:53 authored by Pointing, DS
This research project addresses current limitations in the area of energy technology integration by improving understanding of the interactions between novel energy technologies and energy-using communities. The study focuses on the interface between systems using renewable and hydrogen energy technologies and the communities of scientists working in the remote, harsh and pristine Antarctic environment. The project is multi-disciplinary and includes technical analysis of specific energy technologies and investigation of the social issues that influence the interaction of energy users with such technologies. The primary research objective is the development of tailored strategies and recommendations to help the Australian Antarctic research community access appropriate and sustainable energy solutions. Elements of the research include: [1] Review of global energy issues and the emergence of novel solutions such as renewable and hydrogen energy technologies. [2] Overview of the international Antarctic research community and energy-related issues, with specific review of Australia's operations. [3] Technical analysis of potential roles of hydrogen technologies. [4] Application of computer modelling tools (HYDROGEMS) to simulate the operation of a wind-hydrogen system at an Antarctic station. [5] Engagement with related communities to identify issues that influence the community's interaction with innovative energy solutions. [6] Evaluation of the potential to apply experiences relating to sustainable energy use in Antarctic operations to other energy-using communities. The major conclusions and recommendations from the research include: [1] hydrogen energy technologies are technically viable now for use in Antarctic operations [2] even though there are limitations in hydrogen energy technologies and the design and evaluation tools that are currently available; [3] Social issues are the biggest barrier to the implementation of novel energy technologies such as hydrogen into the Australian Antarctic community; [4] Local environmental issues are not significant as drivers for change to Antarctic energy systems; [5] The use of hydrogen energy technologies in small-scale applications is expected to be the largest and most viable market for hydrogen technologies in Antarctic applications in the near-term; [6] efforts to introduce renewable energy generation and storage systems should focus on achieving less than 100% independence from fossil fuel supplies; [7] Antarctic communities are more likely to benefit from the activities of others in the evaluation and implementation of hydrogen energy technologies than to be leaders in the development of early markets, even though certain characteristics do make them attractive as early adopter markets; [8] The high level of technical and social/cultural changes required within communities to facilitate a transfer away from fossil fuel-based energy economies will require carefully developed strategies.


Publication status

  • Unpublished

Rights statement

Copyright 2008 the author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Thesis (PhD)--University of Tasmania, 2008. Includes bibliographical references

Repository Status

  • Restricted

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