The importance of, and impediments to, effective management of newspaper waste in Australia are addressed. It is appreciated that it is vital to establish facilities to recycle and reprocess newspaper as an avenue for appreciating the value of newspaper. The existence of collection industries depends on the creation of markets for the reprocessed material. Options for reprocessing waste newspaper are identified, and include the manufacture of pulp moulded products, building materials, animal bedding, animal fodder and file folders. Newspaper can also be used as a dewatering agent and as an industrial and domestic fuel source. The viability of establishing reprocessing facilities in Tasmania is considered on environmental, technical and economic grounds. On purely economic terms, it was found that the use of newspaper as a source of industrial fuel and in the production of non-adhesive bonded panel board are the most attractive means of generating a demand for waste newspaper. Avenues for governmental, community and industrial intervention to encourage further use of waste newspaper are examined.
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Copyright 1992 the author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Includes bibliographical references. Thesis (M.Env.St.)--University of Tasmania, 1993