University of Tasmania

Coalescence theory : strategic management planning in Australian ports

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posted on 2023-05-27, 16:33 authored by Ronczka, JP
The primary purpose of this research project was to construct a study of the use of a new theory of Coalescence ('Coalescence Theory' [CT]) applied in a specific business operating environment (BOE) context (sea ports) to facilitate foresight strategic management planning (SMP). This research demonstrates from causality-based questionnaire survey data that, within the context of the Australian ports and the SMP process they use, 'Strategic management planning-Coalescence Theory' (SMP-CT or CT-SMP) has standing in explaining the complex BOE transport and supply chain management interfaces, interactions, reactions and disconformities. Contemporary concepts with SMP are recognised as SMP-CT 'constructs' such as learning board model, the major schools of management thought, corporate profiling, analysis and evaluation and causality of complex processes in strategic decision making. These constructs have been shown to act as a temporal meshing continuum of events and entities within critical decision points that are filtering information and knowledge cubits (information domains) within a BOE Rubik-Schlangen type delivery engine (fusion between human strategists and machine 'assistants' within complex neural networks wisdom abstraction virtual intelligence (WAVI) processes). Further suggested is that SMP-CT provides opportunity for an evolutionary jump in BOE reasoning to wisdom integrated management information system (MIS) and electronic data interchange (EDI) by way of human-machine interfaces (neuro-fuzzy wisdom sub-delivery engines) to achieve business potential. The principles identified to achieve this reasoning to wisdom fusion require a business to: - coordinate the direction of business as a capability to deliver - tailor business continuum to ethos of management - deliver the best possible strategic outcomes and identify future potential - direct delivery of strategic capability, outcomes, and potential -focus on the causality and avoid 'de Montaigne' paradox of strategic businesses capability - drive corporate governance into strategic management planning - scan, diagnostically evaluate and provide foresight of strategic needs and issues - direct foresight strategic outcomes and incorporate benchmarked controls - enable interventions to optimise temporal meshing and capability - determine parts of the business that can most effectively resolve needs and issues. Coalescence Theory-Strategic Management Planning (CT-SMP or SMP-CT) is confirmed as, in a situation where entities, events, actions, reactions, interactions and other influences are interlinking, they will cluster together as a unique construct and then may form a system of unique constructs within a unique, three-dimensional space continuum that is 'gooey-dough-like'.


Publication status

  • Unpublished

Rights statement

Copyright 2006 the author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Thesis (PhD)--Australian Maritime College, Dept. of Maritime and Logistics Management, 2006. Includes bibliographical references

Repository Status

  • Open

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