University of Tasmania

Continuity and change in the reign of Valentinian I

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posted on 2023-05-27, 18:20 authored by Novy, FA
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the contribution made by Valentinian I (364 - 375) to the government of the western empire during the fourth century, and to consider whether the policies pursed in specific areas of imperial administration can be considered as innovative or as consolidation within the broader context of the fourth century. Attention is given to the success that Valentinian's reforms enjoyed in the context of the last years of the fourth century. Imperial policies are grouped for examination into specific areas designed to provide an analysis of all facets of the reign. The study begins with an examination of the literary sources, their chronology and the literary tradition about Valentinian. Particular attention is given to Ammianus Marcellinus, whose account of the elevation of Valentinian provides the basis for examination of the nature of imperial accessions, with particular reference to the successors to fallen dynasties, such as that of Constantine. The civil administration is treated as a whole, incorporating matters relating to the functions of the bureaucracy, an examination of the social origins, career structures and religious affiliations of those who served in the imperial service, facilitated by the compilation of a prosopographical data base of all known Valentinianic personnel. Special emphasis is also given to financial policy and the administration of the city of Rome. The ramifications of such policies are examined in the context of specific events such as the trials conducted at Rome for magic and treason and the cohesion of administrative policy is analysed through detailed scrutiny of the legislation promulgated by the emperor. The military and religious policies of Valentinian receive separate treatment. The religious policy is analysed primarily as a study of the exceptional nature of religious toleration in the fourth century. What may appear as indifference in religious policy provides an effective contrast to the military campaigns, the facts of _which and the strategic initiatives in the defense of the empire place Valentinian high in the military history of the late empire. From a consideration of the above, it is concluded that Valentinian consolidated many of the existing trends current in the fourth century on a scale that can be considered innovative.


Publication status

  • Unpublished

Rights statement

Copyright 1993 the author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Thesis (PhD)--University of Tasmania, 1995. Includes bibliographical references

Repository Status

  • Open

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