University of Tasmania

Demand for emergency manpower for an urban transit authority

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posted on 2023-05-26, 23:32 authored by Gregg, GG
The Metropolitan Transport Trust (M.T.T.) provides the majority of urban commuter public transport services for the city of Hobart and suburbs. Except for one small private bus operator who services the southern suburbs of Kingston, Blackmans Bay and Maranoa Heights, the M.T.T. has sole responsibility for the provision of regular route bus transport within a 22 kilometre circular boundary of the Hobart central city post office. The M.T.T. is a State owned and operated public transport system and is funded from fares revenue and general State tax receipts. In 1983/84 fares collected on M.T.T. services represented 33% of the contribution required to cover operating expenditure. Unlike other Australian capital cities, Hobart has no urban rail passenger network or significant commuter ferry service. Rail passenger services were disbanded on the 31 December 1974, due to falling demand and rising costs. No doubt, other State Governments would like to disband their inefficient and expensive urban rail passenger systems, but they are locked into supporting the continuation of their networks because of high infrastructure costs of transferring rail passengers to road. Hobart was able to effect the change in 1974 due to the small size of the rail network and the fact that Hobart had no vehicle congestion and no inner city parking problems at that time. The geography of the city is ideally suited to flexible route transport especially the motor car. Hobart is second only to Brisbane in car ownership per head of population. The private motor vehicle is the major source of transport for travel to and from work. As few as one in six commuters use public transport daily. Hobart has no viable commuter ferry services even though the city is built on either side of the River Derwent. An extensive ferry network was not established in the past because of the sparse development on the eastern shore of the river, and the fact that the rail network followed the river bank on the western shore. A small commuter ferry plies the river four times daily between the city and Kangaroo Bay, to provide a service for people living on Bellerive Bluff. The M.T.T. has grown steadily since its establishment in 1955. This growth is due to outward growth of the city and to the failure of many of the private operators who have abandoned the market as and when their capital stock became obsolete. Most of these private operators turned to the more lucrative tourist charter work, leaving the M.T.T. to take up abandoned licences. Only recently has the Government embarked on a policy of direct subsidy of private operators to continue to provide urban route passenger bus services.


Publication status

  • Unpublished

Rights statement

Copyright 1986 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Thesis (M.Trans. Ec.)--University of Tasmania, 1987.

Repository Status

  • Open

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