University of Tasmania

Ecology and feeding behaviour of the Tasmanian tiger snake Notechis ater humphreysi

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posted on 2023-05-27, 07:21 authored by Dredge, PD
Although the ecological and behavioural aspects of the biology of reptiles have received increased attention in the last two decades, in general, research activities have been centered around families containing representatives that are relatively innocuous and/or of small individual size, particularly those of the North American continent and some areas of Europe. The ecology and behaviour of small lizards has been studied by several investigators, including Carpenter (1960), Sexton and Heatwole (1968), Ballinger, Marion and Sexton (1970), Ballinger and Schrank (1970), Kour and Hutchinson (1970), Avery (1971) and Fitch (1972). Lizards of the family Iguanidae have been investigated in considerable detail and the voluminous literature relating to this taxon includes studies by, Carpenter (1961), McGinnes and Dickson (1967), Halpern and Lowe (1968) and, White (1973). A substantial amount of information is also available about crocodilians and chelonions, as well as about colubrid snakes, e.g. Shaw (1951), Carpenter (1952), Dmi'el (1967), Burghardt (1969), Gillingham (1974) and Greenwald (1974). Although Australia is distinguished by possessing an abundant and diverse herpeto-fauna (664 species distributed over some 21 families) research on the reptiles of this has been negligible until the early-to mid-1960's.


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