The current land subdivision practice in Tasmania is not meeting the objective of sustainable development. Although Tasmania has an example of world1s best practice planning legislation there are no links between the objective of sustainable development and the decision making process in regard to land subdivision. A link between the objective of sustainable development and the actual planning schemes which govern how land is used is required. A greater emphasis on how land is used instead of what land is used for is needed. Performance based planning schemes are moving towards addressing the requirements of how developments occur. The legislative process is fundamental in controlling the outcome of subdivision in order to meet the sustainable development objective. The outcome of a subdivision is dependent on how the land is ultimately used. The process needs to be outcome focussed as many of the consequences of land subdivision are practically impossible to reverse, particularly in the case of the natural environment. It is apparent that once the subdivision has been approved it too late to retro-fit sustainable development principles. The decision needs to be made at a early stage; can or should this parcel of land be subdivided at all? The project has shown that there is a over supply of subdivided land suitable for residential development which clearly does not meet the sustainable development objective of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPAA). The reasons for this situation have been given, along with a historical perspective on the current situation to better understand the issues involved. This historical perspective also gives an understanding of what is possible and how circumstances may be changed. Clearly, urgent action needs to be taken to prevent the oversupply of land and subsequent degradation of the environment. The issue of intergenerational equity is an issue of concern which has not been addressed or in many cases considered. This issue is of increasing concern as time passes and present legislation does not consider the impact of present decisions on future generations.
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