This project aimed to produce artwork through posing two questions: What are the responsibilities of the designer? How is it possible to create responsible design? This work has aimed to reassess my perception and understanding of design through the process of designing sets of drawers. The research resulted in furniture that questions our understanding of, and relationship to design. I define the term 'responsible design' as work which considers durability, longevity and a sense of ownership as essential components. This project has viewed design as a form of art, the designer as an artist, and has aimed to design meaningful objects for society. The chosen medium was furniture and the investigation focused on a humble, everyday object - the drawer. The project explored the links between the drawer and the design process in an attempt to provide a better understanding of how design is a form of art through the examination of a process that gives a new perspective to what objects mean and how they might be understood and valued. The primary source for the research was the sketch and a simple rectangular paper cut symbolising the drawer. These forms expose what is often unexposed by design, revealing a process that creates an open visual dialogue with the viewer. The context for this endeavour has been the examination of practitioners who explore design through their art process. Bruno Munari and Enzo Mari have been highly significant to this aspect of the investigation. Although the work of these artists is not solely furniture, their work of experimental design provided an important insight and for the creation of responsible design. The project has resulted in the production of a series of drawers that reflect the complexity of the relationship between the design process and art demonstrating that responsible design is possible through a very simple, everyday household object ‚ÄövÑvÆ the drawer.
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Rights statement
Copyright 2005 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Thesis (MFA)--University of Tasmania, 2006. Includes bibliographical references