It is argued that the provision of fundamental nursing care is the very essence of what it means to be a nurse. However, in contemporary health care contexts the pursuit of increased efficiencies has seen the concern with care diminish. The literature indicates that in these circumstances, the key providers of care to patients in hospitals, general medical nurses, are less than happy with the situation. In part this is reflected in the problems currently facing health care agencies with recruiting and retaining nurses. In a climate where recruitment and retention of experienced nurses is a major political issue, it is interesting to note that within the nursing literature, there is a virtual absence of research which addresses the issues and concerns of nurses who choose to work in a general medical ward setting. In order to begin the process of addressing this hiatus, this study utilized a critical research. method to explore the issues and concerns of five nurses who work as general medical nurses. Consistent with research that has a critical intent, the nurses engaged in 'critical dialogues' which were analysed and developed into a discussion paper. The discussion paper was then returned to the nurses, and the issues raised were subjected to considerable debate when the participants subsequently met as a group. The findings of the research provide keen insights into the experiences, issues and concerns of this group of general medical nurses. They highlight the operation of an array of conflicting interests which negatively impact on the capacity of general medical nurses to provide quality nursing care. Significantly, the perceived lowering of standards of patient care has caused the participants of this study to question their integrity and identity as nurses. However, given the opportunity to engage in a dialogue and to critically reflect on the issues raised, the nurses developed new insights into their situation which affirmed their worth as general medical nurses.
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Copyright 2004 the author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Thesis (MN)--University of Tasmania, 2004. Includes bibliographical references