\Reading is not the mastery of a single learning task. There are numerous elements which must come together meaningfully\" (Watson & Badenhop1992 p.16). A successful reading program consists of more than a reading method; there are several connecting parts. If students are to learn to read then they must understand what it means to read and they must believe that they would like to read. Reading needs to be seen as a purposeful and meaningful activity. This paper explores the features of a successful classroom reading program. It looks at how teachers can organise reading in ways which build on from the successful language learning that children have already accomplished in their homes and communities. The school is a key factor in facilitating reading success and will be held accountable to a large extent for the reading successes or failures of its students. The community expectation is that almost all students will master the basics of literacy. \"While the backgrounds of the children can influence the ease with which they become literate most children in the first year of school can learn to read irrespective of home background and the location type or size of school. Schools clearly are responsible to provide students with effective literacy instruction\" (House of Representatives Standing Committee It is through reading that children learn to read. Part of a teacher's role is to make reading easy and enjoyable for every student. \"Every teacher worth her salts wants her pupils to be competent and sensitive readers\" (Meek1982 p.10). This paper discusses how this happens. Teachers need to reflect on those characteristics that identify good classroom practice and the effective teaching and learning of reading. In a quality early childhood classroom where reading is valued and successful: how will the classroom look?; what will the students be doing?; what will the teacher be doing? What classroom characteristics nurture beginning readers? This paper explores the conditions which facilitate success in learning to read for every student in the class. It looks at preventing reading difficulties from developing. Prevention is considered in an absolute sense: preventing reading failure in the initial instance when students are introduced to reading during their early school years. How can we best ensure that students are introduced to reading in such a way that they succeed? This requires careful planning skilled teaching and early intervention in the first years of schooling to assist students as necessary before they experience a sense of failure."
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Copyright 1993 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 57-59). Thesis (M.Ed.St.)--University of Tasmania, 1994. \EED 858 Education Project 1. Supervisor: Claire Hiller\""