University of Tasmania

Mandala of the mind : an exploration of the Buddhist philosophy on the interdependent nature of existence

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posted on 2023-05-26, 17:26 authored by King, GF
In this research I explore the interdependent nature of existence by means of both personal and objective criteria. My intention is to discover experientially the interrelated essence that pervades all phenomena. Throughout human history a diverse range of people, including scientists, philosophers, writers, artists and mystics have employed a variety of methods to consider consciousness in relationship to what is termed 'reality'. Evaluating such contributions is essential to the broader inquiry. Core research areas including phenomenology, contemporary physics, Jungian psychology and environmental ethics are considered in relation to Buddhist beliefs and practices. Included in this study is an analysis of the Buddhist teachings on the 'Two Truths', 'Interbeing' and 'Emptiness'. Through these examinations a foundation to the research is established from which the proposition for an underlying elemental existence is evaluated and presented. Artists such as Antony Gormley and the late Montien Boonma, who have investigated their own interrelated associations with the world are reviewed in the light of their personal considerations and visual explorations. Their disclosures together with the input of other artists pertinent to the examination help to conceptualise the artwork I have created within this inquiry. While the diverse perspectives put forward by the individuals introduced throughout this exegesis are appropriate and significant, the predominant component of the research relies in general on my own distinctive revelations and contemplations. These are drawn from personal experiences and observations, which accentuate and substantiate the investigation. It is through various practices, including meditation and the visual research ( culminating in a three-dimensional mandala installation titled, Mandala of the Mind) that I explore, express, and attempt to understand the fundamental connection that I share with all humans and the natural world.


Publication status

  • Unpublished

Rights statement

Copyright 2006 the author No access or viewing until 6 September 2008. Thesis (PhD)--University of Tasmania, 2006. Includes bibliographical references

Repository Status

  • Open

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