University of Tasmania

Optical astronomical spectroscopy with an electronographic image tube

posted on 2023-05-26, 20:05 authored by King, David John
In this thesis is described the testing and installation of a Spectracon image tube at the focus of the Coude spectrograph associated with the University of Tasmania's 16 inch (40 em) reflecting telescope at Canopus Hill Observatory. The tube's performance is described in terms of its limiting resolution and its speed relative to direct photography with Kodak IIa-0 emulsion. On both counts the tube was below expectation. In addition measurements of the linearity of response are presented and a qualitative assessment is made of photo-cathode uniformity. A stellar spectrum taken with the Spectracon is also presented. Ancillary equipment is discussed and a simple film-handling technique is analysed in terms of dimensional stability in the film. The description of tube testing and installation is preceded by sections based on reading research. The thesis opens with a review of the development of image tubes for astronomy which covers electronographic, phosphor-output and signal-generating (TV-type) tubes. This is followed by a discussion of the process of electronography and the properties of electron-sensitive emulsions that are of particular interest to astronomers. A third chapter presents a detailed description of the Spectracon image tube and gives an account of its expected performance. The thesis concludes with the recommendations that another Spectracon be acquired to fulfil the role envisaged for the tube described in the thesis, and that an electronographic image tube facility be developed to fully exploit the advantages of electronography in the area of field photometry.


Publication status

  • Unpublished

Rights statement

Copyright 1974 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Includes bibliography. Thesis (M.Sc.) - University of Tasmania, 1975

Repository Status

  • Restricted

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