University of Tasmania

Outdoor Recreation in Tasmania's State Forests: Challanges and Opportunities

posted on 2023-05-26, 13:46 authored by Branigan, S
Forestry Tasmania has a mandate enshrined in the Forestry Act 1920 to manage State forest areas for multiple use purposes. This research critically assesses the governance of States forests in the Huon Forest District and the provision of outdoor recreational opportunities. A qualitative research approach was employed utilising a multiple method approach. These methods included a literature review, semi-structured key stakeholder interviews and a Recreational Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) planning framework. Results generated from these analyses were synthesised using a data triangulation process to identify the emergent themes. The conflicts that arise in multiple use management of forests were most strongly evident in stakeholders’ perceptions and highlighted that wood production imperatives dominate planning decisions. Forest management is regulated through the forest practices system, however, there are no provisions encompassed in the forest practices code to guide the on-ground identification of recreational values alongside natural, cultural and timber assessments. Public consultation procedures were perceived as being conducted in a top-down authoritative manner with a collective sense of disempowerment portrayed by the respondents. Semi-remote forested landscapes appear to be a diminishing recreational setting in State forests with future demand for outdoor activities proposed to be orientated towards these areas. Stakeholders advocated a comprehensive inventory of recreational values to be undertaken for all Forest Districts. The ROS framework proved to be a useful means of assessment which could assist in further fulfilling Forest Tasmania’s multiple use mandate.





School of Geography, Planning and Spatial Sciences


University of Tasmania

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