University of Tasmania

Productive performance, rumen indices and meat quality of concentrate-supplemented goats in Vietnam

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posted on 2023-05-27, 06:49 authored by Nguyen, HQ
Twenty-five Vietnamese Bach Thao bucks were assessed at an average age of 7 months and body weight of 20.3 ± 0.8 kg. Goats were randomly allocated into five treatment groups of varying levels of concentrate supplementation: Control (ad libitum access to elephant grass), 0.6 %C (control plus 0.6% of concentrate), 1.2 %C (control plus 1.2% of concentrate), 1.8 %C (control plus 1.8% of concentrate), and 2.4 %C (control plus 2.4% of concentrate) as a percentage of liveweight on a dry matter basis. It was evident that increased concentrate levels had a positive effect on performance, productivity and meat quality of Vietnamese Bach Thao goats and the best response was reached at supplementation at the 1.8%C level. Specific outcomes included: 1) An increase in the level of dietary concentrate supplementation significantly increased feed intake, average daily gain (ADG), digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter and crude protein, and dressing percentage (DP). The highest ADG of 150 g/d and DP of 56% were observed in treatments 1.8 %C and 2.4 %C. 2) A significant increase in lean meat and a lower proportion of bone in the carcass was observed, but there was no difference in total fat percentage as the level of concentrate supplementation increased. 3) There was no difference in chemical composition or total saturated fatty acid composition of the Longissimus dorsi muscle, but the levels of monounsaturated fatty acids in the concentrate-supplemented groups were all significantly higher than in the control group. In conclusion, the tested hypothesis was accepted, and the key research question of the best concentrate supplementation level in Bach Thao goats was answered where treatment 1.8 %C produced the best growth, dressing percentage and meat quality responses. The study also indicated that Small Ruminant Nutrition System model can predict the DMI, ADG, nutrition digestibility and faecal characteristics of Vietnamese Bach Thao goats with satisfactory results for different ratios of forage and concentrate, when chemical compositions of the feeds are known.


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